Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Recently don't like to blog because of LAZINESS !!
And I've realized that I spend way too much time on facebook...........
Let me tell you..........Facebook is like a drug !!!!!! Drug, I tell you !!!!!
Tak try tak tau, sekali try hari hari mau !!! (quoted from my friend/classmate)

The creator of facebook is a genius, it practically caters to everyone, like poker, pet society, barn buddy, quizzes, not to mention
mafia wars (which I'm addicted to) haiz.....

But now must start working on my assignment and study for the coming mid-terms......
If not really cannot catch up ......

So here effort in not letting my blog rot ....!! haha
I wanted to upload a video at first, but then it takes tooooooooo long.....after that i got fed up and decided that i should just stick to pictures and words for my blog....

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