Thursday, September 3, 2009

Short term memory loss

It always happens to me somehow.......
And once again I should just get over myself and laugh it off... but then I think it's my pride and stupidity that makes me hold on to petty things in life.
I should just forget all the little little things I do wrong and move on.

Man make mistakes like man go toilet
Laugh at it and move on in life as we go to toilet everyday

The matter is so small that even I would laugh at it when I look back at it few days later, but then I just can't stop thinking of it now.

What I did was......
I forgot whether I locked the door or not.


  1. when u were in the toilet??? haha.. xp

  2. HAHA..... NO ! I don't remember locking the door, but then i ended up locking my housemate out of the

  3. well, it doesn't happens to me too sometimes...would like laugh on my own when i recalled it... ;)
