Wednesday, June 23, 2010

about devotions

Many times have I been GREATLY tempted to skip CF (Christian fellowship)

I have my reasons
  1. My class ends at 8pm
  2. I have 3 classes for the day
  3. I'm in 3rd year, and my assignments are a heavy load
  4. FYP, explains for itself, just plain hard
But I faithfully bump into Melody every tuesday, during 6-8pm class


So I made up my mind, to go there, not enjoy myself, not talk to anybody, show a tired face and go home.

But God had different plans.

I went there not expecting anything, yet I came back being encouraged and given some things to reflect upon.

I think alot. And when I don't find anybody that has the time to listen or would listen to me, I write it in this blog .... haha

Today the speaker was our beloved Ps Yong Wai Yin. She taught about devotion

The moment she went up and told us the topic of the day, I went "Oh No, I seriously lack devotion"

Devotion is spending time with God, being in His presence.

God gave us 24 hours a day, and I cannot even spend half an hour with him, I am ashamed.

Can one be in a relationship and not talk to or think about each other for a day? What more when He is our creator ?

Cheng Yee's (hope I spelled it right) testimony was inspiring, I can see God's timing and purpose in every situation. AWESOMENESS

Come to think of it, I feel too independent until I don't need God sometimes. We were taught that being self reliant is good, but then where do we put God?

Lectio Divina (Italian) is to listen deeply, to hear with the ears of our hearts
So pastor read a passage from Isiah
So I heard this : through the waters, I will be with you, thorough the rivers, I will be beside you, through the fire, I will not forsake you, the flame shall not overcome you (something like that la, I typed this out from memory, maybe later only I check and type out the correct one. )

I have been burdened and worried about my studies, and taking up too many things to do, now with my packed schedule, I'm finding it hard to cope

But God would always be with me, no matter the situation, through water, river and fire, even flame, He is my God who would not leave me nor forsake me

I shall not magnify my problems, I shall magnify God

For what good worry can bring me?

Worrying is like a rocking chair, you ain't gonna go nowhere

Do this instead
  1. preparation- silence your heart
  2. meditate on the Word
  3. prayer
  4. comtemplate-enjoy God's presence, ponder and meditate on the word

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