Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Practicality vs Dreaming Big

I have a really cool lecturer named jason, he once said

"students who go out to work are like fresh and green vegetables,
when they go out into the working world; some become like carrots,
they start off hard, then once they are immersed in hot water they become soft;
some are like eggs, once soft in the inside, when in hot water, become hard;
but we ought to be like coffee beans, to influence our surroundings, the more you boil, the stronger the scent of the coffee, sweet smelling aroma, fragrant"

Our lecturers inspire us to dream big, touch the sky, be different.

People who work outside tell us that the working world is not easy, even surviving is tough, let alone dreaming big.

Another issue that has bothered me recently is about the future.

I have always wanted to join Malaysian Care to reach out and help the poor and needy, when I see children begging for money, poor people working like a cow just to earn the little that is feeding the family, old people being abandoned, I am always moved to tears, I want to do something, I want to make a difference in the lives of these people, I will find a way and I can do it. But the issue is if I go in as a volunteer, who is going to sustain me? Am I going to rely on my parents to feed me until I grow old?

On the other hand, I am planning to get a full time monday to friday 9 to 5 job after I graduate, then take over the management of my father's business, teaching arts, to pass on what is going to be a dying trade in malaysia. I want to do business, earn money, get on with a better life, I could also support the church monetarily. That's the whole purpose I study Entrepreneurship in UTAR right? To do business.


unpractical, good or not?

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