Friday, June 18, 2010

wtf darren, seroiusly, wtf

Pardon me on my foul language, but I've met this surprisingly irritating lecturer, hate shouldn't be the word for it, it should be, I loath darren.

Darren, please keep your opinions to yourself, we don't need to hear them, you come in the tutorial class late, and comment on how stupid your students can be, why don't you look into the mirror and wonder who taught this bunch of students?

You wasted our time telling us your stories, don't finish the lecture and expect us to study on ourselves, I don't mind that, but then why the hell do we come for your class then? To hear your rude remarks and stupid stories on how you curse everybody to hell? Well that's so nice.

We spent time doing your work, and if you didn't want to discuss most of them in the first place then please tell us, we have better things to do.

You said our answers should be based on facts, are yours?

You complain about everything here in Malaysia, why don't you just move to US and shut up?

You have never valued the chinese teachings, what's wrong with being chinese educated? OH, you see, we chinese are very short sighted and don't care about anything except money. SORRY to remind you, but you are chinese too.

So what if you went to US before? SO WHAT? not everybody is as privileged as you, not everybody is as rich.

Chinese new year is fake? NO, you are fake.
Some people have good and true relationships with their relatives, there is love and understanding within the family, too bad you don't have.

Go hide in your little room and read your little books, every word you say only make people hate you more, seriously, just shut up.

When we don't voice up doesn't mean we are stupid. We don't need to prove anything to you.

So lecturers are higher ranking? Ya.... why don't you go stay up in a hill somewhere, to show you are SO SPECIAL, have you heard of a thing called modesty? Do you enjoy making everyone hate you?

You requested for a assignment draft yesterday, and gave us so little time to finish it. So, we did it, sacrificed my cg plans, sacrificed time and energy. And today you say you didn't want it?!

WTF, seriously WTF

1 comment:

  1. Chill Wai...there are a bunch of "good" lecturers out there. not only this one. >< just do ur best la. don care about him. :)
