Sunday, December 12, 2010

Home cooked food :)

Tofu - look bad, taste good :)

I had to finish the whole plate of veggie, because a certain someone (Level 14) don't like garlic

I also boiled herbal chicken soup and sizzled some bacon strips <3 the pictures not nice, so didn't post

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

For those who gave up on studying for finals

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Revisited Havana

Havana, our ex-favorite restaurant
We stopped visiting them after they had changed ownership/management

They took at least 10 mins to notice we (me and than foong) were sitting there
talk about bad service !

Havana (new) only has 2 menus ! We had the privilege to have one, the other one was missing XD so the other table had to wait for the waiter's search for the "missing menu"

wonder how nasi goreng SINGKAPORE taste like

The new menu looks nice. Only the menu, not the food

Than foong had nasi goreng seafood
taste ah ....... so so onli lahh

I had mee hoon goreng
I think they soaked the mee hoon too long, it was stuck together like mee hoon balls

Some extra fries we ordered
you cannot go wrong with fries, they taste all the same :)

In conclusion, service has gotten from bad to worse, so has the food ):
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