Sunday, December 12, 2010

Home cooked food :)

Tofu - look bad, taste good :)

I had to finish the whole plate of veggie, because a certain someone (Level 14) don't like garlic

I also boiled herbal chicken soup and sizzled some bacon strips <3 the pictures not nice, so didn't post

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

For those who gave up on studying for finals

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Revisited Havana

Havana, our ex-favorite restaurant
We stopped visiting them after they had changed ownership/management

They took at least 10 mins to notice we (me and than foong) were sitting there
talk about bad service !

Havana (new) only has 2 menus ! We had the privilege to have one, the other one was missing XD so the other table had to wait for the waiter's search for the "missing menu"

wonder how nasi goreng SINGKAPORE taste like

The new menu looks nice. Only the menu, not the food

Than foong had nasi goreng seafood
taste ah ....... so so onli lahh

I had mee hoon goreng
I think they soaked the mee hoon too long, it was stuck together like mee hoon balls

Some extra fries we ordered
you cannot go wrong with fries, they taste all the same :)

In conclusion, service has gotten from bad to worse, so has the food ):
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

mua guitar

(ignore cliche phrase in picture)
I wanna be a better guitarist
I demand UTAR to not give us so much assignments so I have more time to sharpen my skills ^^

Just love my guitar :D

I place my skills of whatever little I have, and my guitar on the altar
May it be used for the glory of Your kingdom

There's a story I wanna tell

There's a story I wanna tell, there was this certain girl and boy, they came to know each other through a bunch of friends in church, after a long time of knowing each other, one day the boy decided to invite her for a movie and lunch, after that, they became fond of each other, they celebrated birthdays and festives, spent hours together, even during time of "crushing assignments". after awhile, he had to move to another state to study, life had to move on.

She had drew away from God slowly and silently
She hoped that somehow among the multitudes, God wouldn't notice
Backsliding had became complacent
Dangerously comfortable

She wanted a relationship that is pleasing to God
Firm and strong in Christ
She tried having bible study and prayer together with him
But it was droning and lifeless
He was reluctant
She was not persistent
She gave in
and backslided

One day, she went to a camp, talked to God
She felt ashamed and disgraced for hiding from God
even while serving in so many areas in the church
She felt like a hypocrite, a fool
It has been too long since she replaced God with the relationship
She knelt down
and cried

Nothing is permanent in life, nothing is constant, the only thing constant is change.

He threw tempers at the tiniest things, she tolerated
She was superbly long winded, he listened without a word
She became tired, and changed
To him she became boring

She was feeling weary of the relationship
She proposed a break

Things weren't easy
He said he became agnostic because he was disappointed in her
He became in doubt of God

to be continued

Friday, July 30, 2010

assignments and mid terms, all part of uni life

Going through a tough time recently, well, not all that tough. my life is filled with never ending jounals, assignments, exams, discussions and presentations. Just finished a very tough presentation and assignment today, so relieved.

All the assignments and not that bad, I am naive in saying that my life is stressed and I have many problems. All my problems now only exist to educate and improve me as a person.

What is assignments and mid terms compared to those who don't have the chance to study? Think about it.

Why are we complaining that we need so many journals just to write an assignment? How about those who don't have any eyes? They can't even read (well yes they can, but that is special books for blind people), they won't ever have the pleasure to access information like we do. Internet and computers? Well lets not talk about that.

You say you have peer pressure, you can't fit in (speaking in general, not referring to anyone), what about others who are even less fortunate ? Children lying in hospitals, suffering from all kinds of sickness? Some say you have low self esteem, so why can a man with no hands and no legs be so confident? Assurance that even goes to the extend of encouraging others.

You say you don't have anyone who truly understand you, have you tried to understand your friends? Or do you care only for the concern of others? HAHA, there is a term describing you people, it's called ATTENTION SUCKERS.

You say you don't have iPhone, a car, nice laptop, branded clothes, a DSLR camera, life is a dread, no one is treating you fair; oh, you so don't want me to compare on this.

So tell me again, what are your troubles?

I noticed Utar and Ktar people are so typical, you know, they have that look, they talk a certain way, they dress in a certain way, they like to group into gangs, and ya, everybody is dating. It's so TYPICAL

I am a Utarian also, but then, everybody is so conformed to the Utar culture that I'm getting sick of it. Yes, I too am guilty of the above, but then..... I'm sick of the whole idea of Utar culture, everybody is just so .... SAME

So Chinese ~ though there is absolutely no problem in that, I want something different.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Events ~

Hillsong coming to ipoh ! Aug 11 2010 ! Wanna go ?

Penang Bridge International Marathon 21 November 2010 !
Come come, let's run !

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Of lecturers

Darren, a lecturer we all grew to love and hate at the same time.
My views about him have changed little by little over this short period of time
I hear alot and try to be open about people's views

Turns out he's not that bad after all, he just have REALLY high expectations and want everybody to become a scholar like him

Not everybody is good in their studies, not everybody likes spending hours and hours reading journals.

Accept differences

A lecturers role is to guide and teach, not hammer the students until they have no life apart from doing assignments and reading journals.

With love,
your student

Friday, June 25, 2010

bitter sweet ~ sweet !

Food blog

Author's blog

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

about devotions

Many times have I been GREATLY tempted to skip CF (Christian fellowship)

I have my reasons
  1. My class ends at 8pm
  2. I have 3 classes for the day
  3. I'm in 3rd year, and my assignments are a heavy load
  4. FYP, explains for itself, just plain hard
But I faithfully bump into Melody every tuesday, during 6-8pm class


So I made up my mind, to go there, not enjoy myself, not talk to anybody, show a tired face and go home.

But God had different plans.

I went there not expecting anything, yet I came back being encouraged and given some things to reflect upon.

I think alot. And when I don't find anybody that has the time to listen or would listen to me, I write it in this blog .... haha

Today the speaker was our beloved Ps Yong Wai Yin. She taught about devotion

The moment she went up and told us the topic of the day, I went "Oh No, I seriously lack devotion"

Devotion is spending time with God, being in His presence.

God gave us 24 hours a day, and I cannot even spend half an hour with him, I am ashamed.

Can one be in a relationship and not talk to or think about each other for a day? What more when He is our creator ?

Cheng Yee's (hope I spelled it right) testimony was inspiring, I can see God's timing and purpose in every situation. AWESOMENESS

Come to think of it, I feel too independent until I don't need God sometimes. We were taught that being self reliant is good, but then where do we put God?

Lectio Divina (Italian) is to listen deeply, to hear with the ears of our hearts
So pastor read a passage from Isiah
So I heard this : through the waters, I will be with you, thorough the rivers, I will be beside you, through the fire, I will not forsake you, the flame shall not overcome you (something like that la, I typed this out from memory, maybe later only I check and type out the correct one. )

I have been burdened and worried about my studies, and taking up too many things to do, now with my packed schedule, I'm finding it hard to cope

But God would always be with me, no matter the situation, through water, river and fire, even flame, He is my God who would not leave me nor forsake me

I shall not magnify my problems, I shall magnify God

For what good worry can bring me?

Worrying is like a rocking chair, you ain't gonna go nowhere

Do this instead
  1. preparation- silence your heart
  2. meditate on the Word
  3. prayer
  4. comtemplate-enjoy God's presence, ponder and meditate on the word

Practicality vs Dreaming Big

I have a really cool lecturer named jason, he once said

"students who go out to work are like fresh and green vegetables,
when they go out into the working world; some become like carrots,
they start off hard, then once they are immersed in hot water they become soft;
some are like eggs, once soft in the inside, when in hot water, become hard;
but we ought to be like coffee beans, to influence our surroundings, the more you boil, the stronger the scent of the coffee, sweet smelling aroma, fragrant"

Our lecturers inspire us to dream big, touch the sky, be different.

People who work outside tell us that the working world is not easy, even surviving is tough, let alone dreaming big.

Another issue that has bothered me recently is about the future.

I have always wanted to join Malaysian Care to reach out and help the poor and needy, when I see children begging for money, poor people working like a cow just to earn the little that is feeding the family, old people being abandoned, I am always moved to tears, I want to do something, I want to make a difference in the lives of these people, I will find a way and I can do it. But the issue is if I go in as a volunteer, who is going to sustain me? Am I going to rely on my parents to feed me until I grow old?

On the other hand, I am planning to get a full time monday to friday 9 to 5 job after I graduate, then take over the management of my father's business, teaching arts, to pass on what is going to be a dying trade in malaysia. I want to do business, earn money, get on with a better life, I could also support the church monetarily. That's the whole purpose I study Entrepreneurship in UTAR right? To do business.


unpractical, good or not?

Friday, June 18, 2010

wtf darren, seroiusly, wtf

Pardon me on my foul language, but I've met this surprisingly irritating lecturer, hate shouldn't be the word for it, it should be, I loath darren.

Darren, please keep your opinions to yourself, we don't need to hear them, you come in the tutorial class late, and comment on how stupid your students can be, why don't you look into the mirror and wonder who taught this bunch of students?

You wasted our time telling us your stories, don't finish the lecture and expect us to study on ourselves, I don't mind that, but then why the hell do we come for your class then? To hear your rude remarks and stupid stories on how you curse everybody to hell? Well that's so nice.

We spent time doing your work, and if you didn't want to discuss most of them in the first place then please tell us, we have better things to do.

You said our answers should be based on facts, are yours?

You complain about everything here in Malaysia, why don't you just move to US and shut up?

You have never valued the chinese teachings, what's wrong with being chinese educated? OH, you see, we chinese are very short sighted and don't care about anything except money. SORRY to remind you, but you are chinese too.

So what if you went to US before? SO WHAT? not everybody is as privileged as you, not everybody is as rich.

Chinese new year is fake? NO, you are fake.
Some people have good and true relationships with their relatives, there is love and understanding within the family, too bad you don't have.

Go hide in your little room and read your little books, every word you say only make people hate you more, seriously, just shut up.

When we don't voice up doesn't mean we are stupid. We don't need to prove anything to you.

So lecturers are higher ranking? Ya.... why don't you go stay up in a hill somewhere, to show you are SO SPECIAL, have you heard of a thing called modesty? Do you enjoy making everyone hate you?

You requested for a assignment draft yesterday, and gave us so little time to finish it. So, we did it, sacrificed my cg plans, sacrificed time and energy. And today you say you didn't want it?!

WTF, seriously WTF

Tuesday, March 23, 2010



1. Drink plenty of water.

2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Make time for prayer.
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did in 2009.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9 Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.


11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what
their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time.. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


25. Call your family often.

26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.


32. Do the right thing!

33. Always speak the truth even if it leads to your death.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

little things in life that makes it sweet

I love my mom telling me stories on sunday mornings

I love the way my dad taught me how to drive (but my driving is still *cough cough ahem*)

I love being appreciated, knowing that somethings do go into people's hearts (not seeking appreciation but then everyone should get a word of encouragement sometimes)

I love the way my friend would go out of their way to do me a favor

I love the way my friends, turtle n starfish smiles (there is nothing hidden behind that smile)

I love the fact that I have true friends who accept me for who I am

I love a jog at the brink of sunrise

I love every dance/performance I learn

I love the challenges thrown at me, it can only make me stronger when I overcome it

I love not conforming to others

I love my guitar

I love working with children

I love the rain in kampar when it's hot !

I love your personal message saying "nothing but heng...and no one else but you... *heart*"

I love reading funny emails that cheer me up

I love being a christian

I love being saved by my Savior, Lord and God !!!

I love the way God created me

I love You

Thursday, March 4, 2010


feeling really moody, think it's the crazy schedule this week
mid term exams on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday
journal review on wed
I felt like someone just slapped me
almost literary

Wanted to make my blog look nicer by adding photos, but I don't have any nice pictures....
Then again, another reason is that I am lazy..... teee heee

I was planning a vacation for me and a friend, but seems like there is no where we can go apart from pangkor, everywhere else is out of budget, let me see...... why don't we just travel in kampar instead??!!
I tend to get easily irritated by matters that are so simple, but somehow no solution to it

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wunderful car

My WUNDERFUL car just went for repair two days ago, seems like the clutch spoiled. Costs me Rm 400 !! Summore the mechanic told me that the bearing got problem, to fix it should take around RM 100+ *faints* and then air cond refused to work, which should cost me around another RM 100+ *faints again*

Do the math, RM 400 + bearing (RM 100+) + air-cond (RM 100+) = Around RM 700

*goes into coma*

My dear nissan langley, since 1983, not that it was with me this long, but it was registered then.
Petrol costs me around RM 110 -RM 120 a month
My monthly expenses have rocketed since I got the car.
The thing is that I don't quite enjoy driving
I need the car, but I don't enjoy driving it, ironic isn't it?

Oh ya, one more thing, my exhaust has a hole in it.

and then air cond leak gas, think it's compressor spoilt, RM 280 ..... weeeeee.....

there u have it RM 978
clutch = RM 400
bearing = RM 298
air cond = RM 280

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Who are we? What are our standards?

Speaking as a christian, child of God, somebody I'm proud to be.

Can we boldly declare our faith?

I have a friend (non-christian) who told me, about a guy (christian) who has a "pungent" christian smell. Too strong. Is it scaring people off ? How are we to preach the gospel if people stay clear of us ?

Tell me, to what degree should we testify ? Furthermore, our freedom of speech, as quoted from my lecturer is "freedom with limitations". Of course we must do it wisely.....
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16

In another context......
The wise don't make a show of their knowledge, but fools broadcast their foolishness. Prov 12:23

A serpent may bite when it is not charmed; The babbler is no different

Furthermore, I've always believed that action speaks louder than words.
What good is it for us to speak of God's goodness and do nothing about it ?
What kind of story do we tell people when we curse? gossip?
How would the world view us to be ? hypocrites ? pure folly ?
Or just because everybody is doing it makes it fine?

I think I'm a little too critical here, no one is perfect and no one is worthy in God's sight. Pray ye for mercy and grace that we might be slightly better each day.

Anyway, thank you pastor for answering my questions, I'm still full of questions, but at least some answers are clear now.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just wanna blog for the sake of blogging

This post is like a collection of thoughts I just wanted to record down.

I've been emo-ing about the things I shouldn't be, I tend to think too much when I have a lot of free time, an idle mind is a devil's workshop (that's what my dad always tell me)

Wondering why things happen, wondering why people behave the way they do, why do we treat people differently? The world ain't fair, but life still goes on. Thank God that He still is in control of my life.

I'm quite occupied at the moment and find it difficult to have time with God, the theory is: "If I have time for everyone else but God, what's the point?"
But it's still hard, something seems to always pop up the moment I say :"ok, quiet time NOW"

Hmm..... oh ya, one more thing

You see people, blogging can be very dangerous, so we must beware of what we write in our blogs, as we live in "boleh"land, we must voice out our opinions in a very subtle manner on different things that are happening around us.

I have no wish to continue here, people, I hope that some people would care more for the country

Thursday, January 7, 2010

10 days without you

(We were talking on the phone)

You said
: Lets play a game
I said : Ok, why not? I love games
You said : Lets have no connection with each other for 10 days, starting right after this phone call, no sms, no call, no facebook, no nothing.... whoever contacts the other party would have lost the game
I said : Any exceptions?
You said : Apart from emergencies like car accidents or anything like that, absolutely no contact
I said : What happen if you lose? Any consequences?
You said : If you lose, I'll think of a punishment, if I lose, you think of one
I said : Ok, but 10 days is so long, I'm going to miss you so much


So here I go, agreeing to this game, not a bad idea too.....
Maybe our sms-es are getting too draggy? Maybe you want to save up on your phone bill?
All maybe's, I don't know, all I know is I'm missing you alot

It's 10:32pm, you called, we had this small talk on the game, can't believe you actually counted down on the number of days before I go back, awww.... so touched. Then you suggested the game and I agreed. We talked for 57 minutes and 37 seconds. It was so hard for me to put down the phone, knowing I would not hear your voice for another 10 days. Technically today is not day 1, maybe I should put it as night 1...... haha, but anyway I'm going to SUPER MISS you...... *sobs* . I deleted your number, so that I can control myself when I have the sudden urge to call you.

Another day of errands, I can't get you out of my mind. You are like a drug, I'm so addicted to you. And..... I also memorized your phone number, seeing that I deleted it (no point right? but anyway..... haha..... I do lots of stupid things) Missing you so much that I had to blog about it. But I know you don't read my blog...... so ... haiz.... nvm. I want to hug you, talk to you, but I had to control myself.
My results are out, I want to share this news with you, but I simply cannot, I'm beginning to think that this game is lousy.
I'm tired of going pasar malam, even shopping ! I just want to see you.

I'm so not used to this. Waking up in the morning and not seeing your message on my phone. I woke up especially early to check my results, haiz, "I got a B for OB !" I want to tell you, but you see......... thanks to this game I cannot.

Another uneventful day. I'm in day 4 and I'm still missing you, staying at home too long has really played tricks on my mind, watching movies the whole day didn't really help. Hmmm.... remember to study hard for your exam ya, remember to do quiet time.... haha..... getting more and more 'cheong hei' already.

When I read back on my day 1 to day 4 posts I feel like...... YER...... why I write until so geli 1 ?
HAHA...... Today I'm quite used to not talking to you, not hearing from you, not as anxious anymore. Come to think of it, sometimes my walk with God could turn into something like this too, when I stop talking to Him for a few days, it feels uneasy at first, but then later on it becomes ok, I'm used to the feeling, and if I drag on, I might even think that my life can go pretty well without God. Complacency. Dangerous.

Today I went to mid valley with my dearest XXXXXXX (it's complicated) to watch Avatar in 3D !!! Hah..... who ask you go and watch first..... bler. The show was really nice in 3D....! Today staying over in PJ and going home tomorrow. Wondering what you are doing nowadays...studying? facebook-ing? futsal-ing? sleeping? (by the way you sleep too much)
Anyway, 4 more days to go before I go back..... Can't wait !! HEHE

Yea, I'm finally at day 7. Can't believe I'm hearing myself say that I can't wait to go back to Kampar, I used to dread going back there. Sure.... Kampar is a beautiful town with wonderful people, scenery and food, but then leaving KL means leaving home, pampering (from mummy), shopping, the cinema or any form of entertainment, once you are in Kampar, you feel like you are trapped in that small small small small small (you get my point) place away from everything you have grown so used to.

Urgh....... 头痛的一天。太讨厌了,简单的事情都不能解决。整天吵架,烦死我了。
How I wish you were here.
2 more days to go..... haha, going back soon soon......

Helped my mom do the company accounts today, accounts are a pain! All the figures are making my head explode ! I detest doing accounts ! Salute to all accountants out there. How you people do this kind of job???? It's just plain complicated.

This post is getting abit boring, no? 但无论如何我还是要把它完成。

DAY 10
Finally I reached day 10, muahahaha. Back in kampar, a mixed feeling of joy and sadness. Just plain complicated. HAHA. Anyway, what do I have to say? nothing ! the story ends here.